Historical photographs installed in Old Admin

Nicholas Traub, graphic designer for Traub Design Associates, mounts an image of the Supreme Court Building, which is located near the Chadron State College Justice Studies Department's offices in Old Admin. (Photo by Justin Haag)
Nicholas Traub, graphic designer for Traub Design Associates, mounts an image of the Supreme Court Building, which is located near the Chadron State College Justice Studies Department's offices in Old Admin. (Photo by Justin Haag)


The hallways of Chadron State College’s most historical building are now adorned with many of the institution’s most historical photographs.

 Two representatives of Traub Design Associates of Spring Hill, Kan., were on campus Monday and Tuesday, June 18-19, to complete the permanent installation of 20 black and white mounted images on the hallway walls of the building’s three floors. They range from 20-by-12-foot wall murals to the smallest image, which is 20 by 40 inches.

The project was part of the CSC centennial observance and organized by the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center.

The selections include scenes of CSC’s past and other photos related to the courses taught on each floor. They include monumental occasions, including the driving of the stake at the location that would become Old Admin. The center portion of Old Admin, formerly known as the Administration Building, was the first structure on campus, completed soon after the institution’s opening in 1911.

The photographs were selected by Sarah Polak, center director, intern Whitney Hensley and other student advisors, department leaders of the building, and Con Marshall, CSC information services officer and college historian.

“We are very excited to be able to provide this for our campus,” Polak said. “We believe these images will help current students connect with Chadron State College history and provide an opportunity for alums and friends who visit our campus to reminisce.”

Susan Traub, director of business development for Traub Design Associates, said the production of the Old Admin images has been a rewarding project for the company.

“The photos add life and warmth to this wonderful building and attest to the remarkable heritage of Chadron State College and the value of local college education,” she said.

The primary funding for the project was provided by the Sandoz Center with additional support from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus Announcements, Campus News, Historical